Niners November Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity As the holidays approach, the board and committee members of the Niners wish the membership and their families a happy holiday season of joy and happy memories. May the new year bring you happiness, good health, and good fortune. Membership. We have four new members: Stuart Bonnerotte, Patrick Kerr, Richard Reiman, and…

Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association

Jeff French The PVMGA kicked off the 2024-25 season with a full schedule of events in November, which included two Pick Your Partner games, a Ladies and Men’s Challenge with the Palo Verde Ladies, Ace of Aces Finals, and Turkey Shoot. The election of officers for the season was held, welcoming the new officers for…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association

Bob Kaczmarek If you like to golf, this is a great bunch of guys! Build new friendships, play for fun, or be competitive. We play most Saturdays year round. Four times a year we have two-day major tournaments. Get a USGA Handicap. Have access to game improvement videos and tips from our pros. All skill…


Bruce McCorkle 2024 MOGA Club Champions Congratulations to our 2024 MOGA Club Champions Mike Buhrt, Bruce Pape, and Bill Beltz! New Board Members We greatly appreciate the willingness of MOGA members to step forward to serve on the Executive Board, and we endeavor to build on the foundation laid by outgoing board members President Ron…

Want to Learn How to Play Pickleball?

Jim Carlson There are over 36,500,000 active pickleball players in the United States and growing at all age levels, making pickleball the fastest-growing sport in the world, and 33.7% are over the age of 65. Your Cottonwood Palo Verde Pickleball Club is inviting HOA2 homeowners or renters to attend our free Pickleball Clinic on Jan.…