Word of the Month: Elysian

David Zapatka Reader Kim Park writes, “I frequent Elysian Spa here in Chandler. I love their name, Elysian, which is one of my favorite words. You might want to research this word for a future WOTM column.” Elysian—ely·sian i-ˈli-zhən; ih-lizh-uhn adjective: blissful or delightful in a way that seems otherworldly; of, relating to, or resembling…

Card Scores

Tuesday Night Cribbage Jeff Scott Join us for Cribbage every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. in the Cottonwood clubhouse A-7 Painting Room. Games are organized by Stan Wengrzyn. 10/01. 1st Pat Donahue 11+60, 2nd Jeff Scott 11+57, 3rd Jean Drenthe 11+46, Low Ted Jacobs 3-87, 23 Hand Bob Mariano, 24 Hand Ted Jacobs, 24 Hand…

Bridge Results

Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club has games on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for all levels. Interested? Call George at 480 748-1242. November First-Place Winners: Open Pairs: 11/02. (A) Shari Smart and Kyle Rockoff, (B&C) Tor Thorsen and Clifford Hudson 11/04. N/S: (A) Larry Anfinson and Roger Edwards, (B) Janet…

Sun Lakes Lions Club – January 2025

Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club Christine Linder Two new members joined the Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club. President Larry Palmer and club member Brian Strickland sponsored new members Cleone Sayers and Sally Foster on Nov. 7. AZCEND Food Bank Donation Christine Linder Sun Lakes (Evening) Lions Club made their annual food donation to AZCEND Food…

Science and Technology

Karen Vollis Are you interested in science and technology? During the winter, we can attend nature walks to learn about the flora and fauna of the desert. We can volunteer to be Citizen Scientists at the Maricopa Parks (to document the various species of plants, birds, or insects). During the summer, we can stay cool…