Palo Verde Road Work this Month

Mark Brauer, President

For residents and visitors of Palo Verde in Sun Lakes, you will see roadwork at various times and locations in May of 2024. The most significant work period is the week of May 20-24 when pavement removal and replacement will be underway, weather permitting. The major work emphasis continues to focus on the wider “collector” streets. This year’s collector pavement replacement work is on Spring Creek, Ribbonwood, Navajo, and a southern portion of Flame Tree. Cloverland Drive, although not a collector, has serious deterioration and seal coat peeling, such that it also will be removed and replaced with new pavement. When this year’s new pavement is completed, roughly 70% of the Palo Verde collectors will be new pavement since 2019.

Also this year, the Palo Verde Road Maintenance Board elected to do some pavement drainage improvements. At four locations, new “valley pans” will collect water from the streets and channel that run-off into Palo Verde ponds. This drainage work is to move water off the asphalt and help extend the life of the pavements in that immediate area. Roads will remain open, but drive widths will be narrowed at the new work when it starts on May 6, 2024. The drainage work should be completed by Monday, May 20.

This work is being financially accomplished from the annual fees assessed this past January to Palo Verde residents, as well as a modest reduction in the reserves account held for unbudgeted events.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please share those with Palo Verde Road Maintenance Inc. President Mark Brauer at [email protected].