RAP session: Anything about hearing loss


We will wrap up this season’s meetings with a RAP session all about issues of hearing loss. Bring your questions, concerns, experiences and stories of success and frustration to be shared and discussed at this forum. We will learn from each other as we support all who are challenged by hearing loss. Let’s go into the summer armed with strategies for communication!

Thursday, May 12 from 12:45-2:30 p.m. at the Ed Robson Branch Library, Lecky Center, 9330 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248

You are not alone!

If you, a family member, or a friend is challenged by hearing loss, please come and join us for education, sharing, and refreshments.

All are welcome. You owe it to yourself! CART (real-time captioning) is provided and the meeting room is looped for your hearing accessibility.

Please park in the church lot next to the library. Thanks.

For additional information contact Regina Milgroom at [email protected]; Liz Booth at [email protected]; or Patty Dennehy at 602-652-3000. Ask for the Ed Robson Branch.