Red Hat Society

This past spring, the Red Hat Society hosted a training seminar to help walk us through the Red Hat Society website. The class was so successful that there will be another class, which will be held at Stone & Barrel in Sun Lakes on Sept. 23 at 9:30 a.m. Susie Shapiro will be our instructor. For more information, call Judithmary Hobson at 719-964-1626 for reservations.

Flat Ruby hosting a Hoot with the Chapeaux and other Red Hatters at the Chandler Mall

Flat Ruby enjoying herself with the Dazzling Divas at Walk-On’s Sports Bistreau. The food and service were great.

Flat Ruby with the Cactus Cuties and guest Marti Hyatte celebrating Blueberry Muffin Day

For the past few months, the Red Hat Society has been playing a game with their mascot Ruby. They have put a picture of Ruby on a card paper that we call Flat Ruby. The idea of the game is to take Flat Ruby to different places and post pictures where he has traveled.

So far, Flat Ruby has traveled all around Sun Lakes and across the San Tan Valley, promoting fun.