The Red Hatters from Sun Lakes hosted a Chic Boutique at the Cottonwood Country Club ballroom with over 30 vendors representing various and interesting wares. While in the Saguaro Room, some Red Hat Society chapters sold slightly used Red Hat items. It was an exciting day shopping in the ballroom and visiting other representatives from the different chapters and catching up on the latest from Hatquarters.
Admission to the boutique was a canned food item that would be given to the mobile food bank.
Pastor and Mrs. Steve Foss (pastor of First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes) assisted James H. McMichael (executive director of the Sun Lakes Mobile Food Program) collecting food items for the neighbors who need assistance in Sun Lakes.
The Mobile Food Program is a nonprofit organization, and any who wish to help can contact James McMichael at Any person wishing to donate food items can contact or drop off food at First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes on the corner of Riggs and Dobson Roads. Pastor Foss will see that the food items get to the right place.