Risen Savior Lutheran Church Novemberfest

Mark your calendars for Risen Savior Lutheran Church’s Ninth Annual Novemberfest on Saturday, Nov. 4, from 4 to 7 p.m.

It’s almost time for one of the Sun Lakes area’s best social events—the Risen Savior Novemberfest gathering! This event features lots of good German food, including brats, hots, sauerkraut, potato salad, and dessert, along with beer, wine, and live music by an Oompa band, while having a great time with hundreds of your friends and neighbors!

As you may be aware, Risen Savior schedules its version of an Oktoberfest in November so that members, friends, and neighbors who spend summer outside of Arizona can return in time for the celebration.

All residents of Sun Lakes and surrounding areas are invited! It is our way of saying thank you for your continued support of our annual community charity events. We are once again having the event at our north building (corner of Alma School and Chandler Heights Roads).

Tickets purchased in advance are $8 per person, which includes everything but the beer and wine (available for $3 each). Tickets can be purchased prior to the event (checks or cash only) at the Administration building. Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the event for $10 each. We also offer table reservations for your group. The cost is $10 per table. Note that all table tickets must be purchased at the time of the reservation.

There will be a lot of door prize drawings throughout the evening. So, hang on to your ticket stubs once you arrive. Feel free to bring a friend or invite your neighbors. We hope to see you there! Risen Savior Lutheran Church is located at 23620 S. Alma School Road, Chandler, Ariz.; phone number: 480-895-6782.