Pictured is Julie Hedges at the Oakwood Open House. We were so excited to have lots of inquiries about the RV Club at the Open House in the Oakwood ballroom in October.
Cathie Smith, Secretary
What a great time to be in Arizona, with the warm days and cool nights. It’s one of the best times of the year. So, let’s get outside and have some fun with the Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club.
Our November welcome back meeting was well attended with several new members. The rally schedule was discussed with fun destinations to places like Camp Verde, Monument Valley, and Quartzite, to name a few, for the upcoming months. RV rallies always include wonderful food and camaraderie. Our November rally was on the banks of the beautiful Verde River in Camp Verde, Ariz., with a trip to Out of Africa, Jerome, and V Bar V Heritage site.
The December club meeting was our much-anticipated Christmas Party, with a great meal and dancing to a guitarist called Moon Dog. We hope to see you all in January at the regular club meeting on Jan. 11, in the Navajo Room starting at 6:30 p.m. The Sun Lakes RV Club meets the second Tuesday of each month starting in October, then November, and January through May. Meetings take place in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club, with social time starting at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. For more information about the club and its activities, go to www.sunlakesroadrunner.com.
The Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club is all about fun travel, new adventures, good food, and great friends! The group enjoys many opportunities to see new sights, go on organized tours or explore on your own, dine out or cook at the campsite, and make many new friends.
Prospective members and visitors are always welcome. Come join the fun on Tuesday, Jan. 11.