SunBird Community Day 2022 (left to right): Cathy Donaldson, secretary; Ken Donaldson, member; Carlos Lozano, president
Cathy Donaldson, Secretary
We’ve started the 2022-23 camping season meeting new RVers and new friends. We held our welcome back meeting on Nov. 8 with food and drink.
We had a booth at the SunBird Community Day and met many nice residents and shared information about our club.
We have Rallies planned for January and April so far, with more to come. We had our annual Christmas Party on Dec. 5 at Palo Verde Country Club. The band Moon Dog was amazing and got lots of people up dancing.
The Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club meets the second Tuesday of each month, starting in October, through May of the following year. Meetings take place in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club, with social time starting at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. Guests are welcome.
The Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club is all about fun travel, new adventures, good food, and great friends. The group enjoys many opportunities to see new sights, go on organized tours or explore on your own, dine out, or cook at the campsite. We have many great happy hours where we share snacks and appetizers. We have many fun group dinners and always make new friends.
Prospective members and visitors are always welcome. Come join the fun on Tuesday, Jan. 10.