
Pictured (right to left) are Beverly Connors, JoAnn Ash, Milly Kowalski, Terry Craig, Irene Blakely, Connie Hogan, and Dianna Melcher holding their finished projects from our Gadget Caddy class. Everyone finished their caddies in a couple hours. The caddies hold notions that are used regularly, and the caddy is easily moved from one location to another and takes up very little table space.

Phyllis Prysock

There is only one meeting left before we break for the summer. It has been a busy time. Our April meeting was our Spring Luncheon and was a huge success. More than 80 members shared conversation and laughter while enjoying a good lunch and great dessert. The spring-themed table decorations added a very festive feel, and the beaded stiletto favors were appreciated by all. Thank you to Judy Waltz and her team of party planners. Although we did not have a stash table, our Show & Tell was a big hit. So many members presented their creations from prior classes or projects that were finished and may have been on the “drawing boards” for some time. Several confessed the project had been in the works for years! We all understand how that goes!

Our new officers elected for the 2024-26 meeting years are President Barb Brandt, Vice President Rita Grant, Treasurer Connie Hogan, and Secretary Eileen Turner. Thank you, all, for volunteering.

We have plans for lots of fun activities for those members who brave the summers here in Sun Lakes. Although we won’t be sending out newsletters, we will send emails with details on what is planned. Stay tuned.

Our May meeting will be held on May 8 in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 1 p.m. We will have a stash table and door prizes, as usual. Our new officers will be installed, and we will have a presentation by Lori Schrage from 35th Avenue Sew and Vac in Chandler on new and favorite notions.

If you want more information or have any questions, please contact us via email at [email protected].