Doris Codkind, Publicity
Our Chapter is now in full swing and has exciting meetings and events planned for the rest of this year.
Here is just a quick look! Our September meeting featuring “A Lifetime of Memories” was a huge success. If you missed it and would like more information about the book, please call Lisa at 480-963-1463.
Save the date for our annual Hadassah Barbecue which will be on November 1 starting at 6:00 p.m. at Halley Pool at the Ironwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. Hot dogs, chicken and all the fixin’s; all you can eat for $18 per person. Send reservation check to Marilyn Behr at 25803 Eastlake, Sun Lakes 85248 or call her at 480-895-7750 if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you at these events. Also watch for more information on our upcoming trip to the Phoenix Art Museum and our December Chanukkah Party!