St. Steven’s Knights Continue Charitable Works

Sister Barbara Jean, administrator at St. Peter Indian Mission School in Bapchule, Ariz., received a check for $10,000 from Knights of Columbus Council 9678 and parishioners from St. Steven’s Catholic Church. Council Financial Secretary John Caravella presented the check.

Jim Bach, Knights of Columbus Council 9678 Recorder

St. Steven’s Knights of Columbus continues its basic role of channeling contributions from the parishioners to support charitable causes, such as St. Peter Indian Mission School and other local charities. The Council uses a variety of funds from various activities, such as State Raffle, Sunday breakfasts at St. Steven’s, and various other functions. The Council is a supporter of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

The mission of St. Peter Indian Mission Catholic School is to educate children who are grounded in God’s love to become respectful, reverent, and responsible citizens.

Anyone interested in joining the Knights of Columbus should contact Grand Knight Bryant Sayers at