Father Steven J. Peterson
Mary Vitolo
St. Steven’s Ladies Guild is offering an invitation to all women in the parish and community to attend a Retreat/Recollection with Father Steven J. Peterson who will be speaking on “The Power of Prayer.” This retreat will be held at St. Steven’s Church in Sun Lakes, Arizona on January 21 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. A luncheon will follow in the St. Steven’s Fitzpatrick Center Great Hall with a follow up discussion. There is no charge for the luncheon; however, a free will offering will be provided. All Guild members are being asked to bring dessert or cookies to defray the cost.
Father Steven J. Peterson was born and raised in Austin, Minnesota, has an older sister and had an older brother who died at 52 years old. His parents are both deceased, his father lived until he was 53 years old, and his mother lived to be 92 years old. He had 12 years of Catholic education before serving in the Navy. He attended Mankato University where he received a degree in psychology and a degree in business, then went on to graduate school to get an MBA in Business. Father Steve spent four years at St. Paul Seminary and St. Thomas University. He was ordained in the Diocese of Winona, Minnesota.
Father Steven J. Peterson
Father is an outstanding speaker and has hosted many popular pilgrimages to most of Europe and Middle East countries. On March 13 he will host a pilgrimage to Spain with trips to Fatima and Lourdes.
Come join us to hear Father Steve’s insights about the power of prayer and his more than 25 years of travel. We are most grateful to have him as our guest speaker. To make reservations for this special morning, please call the church office at 480-895-9266; Joanne at 480-802-9127; or Monica at 480-619-2797.