St. Steven’s Ladies Guild Annual Luncheon/Fashion Charity Fundraiser Event
Mary Vitolo
St. Steven’s Ladies Guild would like to thank everybody who attended and contributed to our Annual Luncheon/Fashion Charity Fundraiser Event which was held at the Oakwood Country Club on March 29, 2017.
We would like to express appreciation to Oakwood’s Director of Activities and Banquets Karen Dimitro, along with her servers, Oakwood’s Chef Jimmy, Michele Fredette with Calle Rose Boutique, to our shuttle drivers, to all our guild members and others who donated baskets and door prizes and last, but not least, to our committee members for their diligent planning and execution towards our Annual Charity Fundraising Event.
We appreciate all the wonderful support you have given us this year and in past years. We thank you and we thank and praise God for a successful show.