Yvonne Orlich
Here we come a-caroling! It’s hard to believe that our Holiday Concert is right around the corner. The rehearsal season has just flown by, and we are doubling down on our efforts to fine tune our numbers so that we may present a great Holiday Concert.
Dec. 12 is the date. United Methodist Church is the place. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the concert will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Tickets ($10) will still be sold at Ace Hardware on Riggs on Dec. 3 and Dec. 10. But if you can’t get to Ticket Tuesdays at Ace Hardware, you can still get them from any chorale member or at the door the evening of the performance, but expect to wait in line a bit.
As in the past, the holiday musical selections will tap into your Christmastime moods. Some of the songs are fun, some are old and recognizable, some are new, some are melancholy, and some tell a story. Whatever the holidays bring your way, we will remind you of your Christmas memories and, hopefully, create a few new ones for you. Our directors and accompanists are talented musicians and work well with the chorale to enhance each and every song. We want you to leave the concert upbeat and ring-jing-jingaling happy in anticipation of the holidays. Our selections for this year’s concert have been chosen carefully to give you that warm, fuzzy, happy feeling that the holidays hold. If you are not yet in the holiday spirit, we want to lift you up and make you happy. If you are happy, we want you to be even happier. Either way, we guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Join us, won’t you? Remember the date—Thursday, Dec. 12, at the United Methodist Church on Riggs just west of the Robson Library. Bring your good spirits, and we will take them to a higher level.