SLCT member Jim Nielsen serenaded Linda Caton and attendees with “Unforgettable.”
As Linda Caton retires after some 21 years as recreation manager from Cottonwood Palo Verde, the Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT) hosted a party to thank her for her contributions to local arts. On Oct. 25 SLCT presented Linda its first “Lifetime Member” affiliation in recognition of her many years of participation. And donations on Linda’s behalf raised $400 for one of her favorite charities, Rover’s Rest Stop small dog rescue.
A longstanding member of SLCT, Linda wore many hats within the organization. On the creative side, Linda acted in, produced, and directed live productions. She served on the SLCT Board of Directors and committee positions. Linda also consistently supported SLCT behind the scenes in meaningful ways, big and small.
SLCT member Jim Nielsen serenaded Linda and the attendees with “Unforgettable,” as we will miss the enthusiasm Linda has shared every day within our community.
There is a place for all in SLCT to share in the spirit Linda models. Whether acting or a support role, join SLCT for the rewards of theatre arts. Information about SLCT and membership can be found by visiting www.scltinfo.com or by sending an email to [email protected]. Sun Lakes Community Theatre, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) corporation.