Judy Vochatzer, past president of Sun Lakes Democratic Club, archivist, membership chair, and PC, received recognition for her many years of service to SLDC at the Fall Social Picnic. (Photo by Roxy Banta)
Dwight Flatt, Roxy Banta, and Ellie Watland
The Sun Lakes Democratic Club (SLDC) is ending the year with its annual holiday get-together for members scheduled for Monday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Country Club.
“We’ve had a great year, and this is our opportunity to count our many blessings as Americans, thank our members for their hard work, and get ready for the 2024 elections,” said Club President Shari Sklar. “If you’re new to the area or have decided that it’s time to get involved and help shape the future of our community and state, then we invite you to join our group.”
SLDC members attending the club’s monthly meetings also benefit from the quality of the speakers and the opportunity to actually meet the candidates and hear their views. Over the course of the past year, SLDC has hosted political speakers ranging from local school board, city council, and state and federal officials to those hoping to have their names on the 2024 ballot.
In addition to becoming more familiar with political issues, members also heard from local and regional experts on topics ranging from minority issues, mental health, homelessness, ranked choice voting, and public education to water issues. Speakers in January will address opportunities for seniors to get clean energy support provided by the Inflation Reduction Act, receive an update on the 2024 legislative session, and meet candidates running for state and local offices.
“It’s a great learning opportunity,” concluded Sklar, noting that members can also volunteer to help register voters and collect petition signatures and food for Matthews’s Crossing Food Bank. “Come join us!”
SLDC is made up of like-minded individuals who are part of over 2,500 registered Democrats throughout the Sun Lakes area promoting an Arizona that works for everyone. We invite you to join us at 6:30 p.m. for a social hour, with the meeting starting at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd N, in Sun Lakes.
We also invite you to our First Friday Coffee at Kneaders on Friday, Dec. 1, from 10 to 11 a.m. Kneaders is located at 1090 W. Queen Creek Road (Queen Creek and Alma School Roads) in Chandler.
If you have any questions, please call Roxy Banta at 480-899–5696 or email [email protected].