Verla Matuschka, Publicity
Easter blessings to everyone! April has some special events for the Niners. The Awards Banquet is Thursday, April 10 in the Navajo Room beginning with social hour at 5:00 p.m. and dinner following at 6:00 p.m. Party chairperson Celeste Dorsey is planning a fun evening. So, ladies, plan to attend the social event of the year and discover the Club Championship and President’s Cup Tournament winners this year.
On April 14 plan to attend the general meeting in the Friendship Room at 10:00 a.m. and golf play follows at noon. This is Rally for a Cure day and Sandi Iosue is in charge of the activities for the occasion where we remember those ladies who have or have had cancer. A drawing will be held for a special gift, a golf bag, provided by the Rally for a Cure organization. They will also furnish the group with other gifts.
Play time for golf on April 7, 21 and 28 is 9:00 a.m. Just a reminder for those who have chits in the Pro Shop to use them before the end of May. Shop ladies!
Recent golf winners:
2/03. – Flight 1: Gross: Susan Geis (43); Net: Kay Stahlheber (34); Flight 2: Gross: Jackie Aagaard (49); Net: Mary Jane Ohl (34); Flight 3: Gross: Debbie Beausejour (44); Net: Virginia Hager (34)
2/10. – Yellow Ball – Two teams won 1st place with scores of 47; Team 1: Donna Sullivan, Barb Thompson and Phyllis Swanson; Team 2: Kay Stahlheber, Fran Marolla and Rosalie Bowen
2/24. Flight 1: Gross: Susan Geis and Adra Goettsch (43); Net: Liz Tollefsen (32); Flight 2: Gross: Liz Creger (45); Net: Lorraine Brammer (37); Flight 3: Gross: Celeste Dorsey (56); Net: Vera Moschowsky (39)
For more information about the Sun Lakes Lady Niner Golfers, please contact president Carole Kinderman at 480-802-7663.