Kathy Mlynarczyk and Ardyce Gibson

Wanda Chihak and Jan Sykes
Sheila Barton
The Sun Lakes Lady Niners are hitting the ground running for the 2022-23 season. The first play day was Nov. 1, and the game of the day was Low Putts. We are still short some of our members for various reasons, but we warmly welcomed several new members, have a couple more in the wings, and it is starting out to be a great season! Our new members are Sheryl Anderson, Marcia DePiazza, Cindy Fulton, Gina Long, Bunny Lunbery, Karen Miller, Kathy Mlynarczyk, Rosie Rainsanen, and Debra Rogers. We had a Welcome Back potluck at Jan Sykes’ home on Nov. 5, and it was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time.
Despite the fact that strokes on the green typically account for nearly half of every golfer’s score for every round played, and that the putter is used over twice as often as the driver, golf instruction has concentrated upon the full swing and has neglected putting. Every putt requires four skills: the ability to read the putt, aim the putter, stroke the ball where aimed, and control the pace or distance. Typical golf slang says, “Drive for Show, Putt for Dough.”
On Nov. 1 the winner in Flight 1 was Wanda Chihak, with Karen Miller coming in second, and Linda Stimart coming in third. In Fight 2 the winner was Kathy Mlynarczyk, with Jan Sykes coming in second, and Liz Tollefsen coming in third. In Flight 3 the winner was Ardyce Gibson, with Bev Jur coming in second, and Cheryl Kern coming in third. Congratulations to all the winners.
The Sun Lakes Lady Niners are always looking for new members. Please contact Wanda Chihak at 480-559-4002 if you would like to join or to talk about joining. The Sun Lakes Lady Niners provide a very supportive and welcoming environment. Please consider coming out, hitting a ball, and having a ball with them.