Marty Patton
The Sun Lakes Lutheran Church had a busy December with congregational activities as well as the ladies of the Phoebe Circle. December 10, the Phoebe Circle invited the congregation to celebrate the successful campaign for Toys for Tots. We also took the opportunity to celebrate Maxine Schepker’s 100th birthday. Members of the Phoebe Circle prepared baskets for shut-ins in the congregation and community. This has been a mission of the group for the past four years, and several recipients look forward to the baskets each year.
Christmas Eve was quite memorable. Special music was a highlight. Pastor Nathan Bowman led the worship sharing experiences from Japan, where he spent many years in the ministry.
January 14, 3:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel, all are invited to a concert of Praise and Worship by Dave Anderson and Roger Walck. Dave Anderson and his wife will share their story of what it is like to go down into the Bering Sea. A freewill offering will support Shepherds Canyon Retreat Center for revitalizing broken caregivers and ministers.
Please join us at worship each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel, followed by Fellowship. Bible Study meets each Wednesday. For more information, please call Pastor Nathan Bowman at 623-277-7747.