Sun Lakes Pickleball Cottonwood Club Raises Money for Phoenix Dream Center

It is with great pride and generosity from our Sun Lakes Pickleball Cottonwood Club (SLPCC) that we presented a check for $2,365 to the Phoenix Dream Center. They are located in Phoenix at 3210 NW Grand Avenue. We were able to learn first-hand the amazing work that they do. The center occupies a former Embassy Suites Hotel.

From saving and caring for victims of human trafficking, helping unwed mothers deliver healthy babies, and educating them on becoming the best parents they can be, the center offers counseling, rescue, and support in getting them back into society with housing jobs and the tools they need to be successful.

The SLPCC Social Committee wishes to thank our members who generously donated not only their time, but monetarily to this great organization. A silent auction at the end-of-the-year party came through once again. We truly have a great club of volunteers. Social Committee Chairman Barb Lindvig and members Susan Imm and Pam Crosby presented the check to the Center. They were very grateful and humble.