Colette McNally, President Sun Lakes Women’s Association, Randy Peterson, General Manager A-1 Golf Carts and Susan Carew, winner.
Colette McNally, President
The winner of our golf cart raffle this year was Susan Carew from Oakwood. Each year the Sun Lakes Women’s Association raffles off a golf cart as part of their efforts to raise funds in support of organizations in the community that serve seniors. In collaboration with A–1 Golf Carts, we were able to present a very special golf cart this year which was widely popular and helped us raise funds towards our charitable giving. Our thanks go to A-1 Golf Carts General Manager Randy Peterson, who gave us a very good deal and great support in our efforts to raise funds and we had a very successful year. Our winner this year, Susan Carew, bought her ticket at the Administration Center of Sun Lakes Country Club where the staff did an excellent job in selling not only the winning ticket but many, many tickets throughout the summer. Thanks to all of you for supporting us.
The winning ticket was pulled Sunday, November 8 at the end of our annual bazaar. Throughout the bazaar volunteers continued to sell tickets with great enthusiasm and success. This annual bazaar hosted by Sun Lakes Country Club, is a four day event which is strongly supported by the surrounding communities and beyond and raises funds to support a number of organizations which serve our communities, including Neighbors Who Care, the Fire Department, the Sherriff’s Posse and projects within our communities that improve the safety and well-being of our seniors. Well over 300 volunteers came out to support our efforts and made this year’s bazaar a well-rounded success. Our thanks go out to these volunteers and to those who came out to support us by buying our goods. These included “recycled treasures,” handmade articles of every kind, floral arrangements, bake sale, and other raffles. It is truly a wonderful community event. Look out for the next one November 3-6, 2016.
The Sun Lakes Women’s Association is open to all women in the Sun Lakes communities and has as its goal to promote friendly cooperation in our communities for women who volunteer to make a difference in their community.
Thanks everyone for a job well done!