Tag: Cottonwood Country Club

Parli Italiano?

Would you like to speak Italian and meet others who enjoy speaking it? Whether you are a native speaker or someone who wants to brush up on your Italian, come join us for friendly conversation. We meet every Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (October through May) at the Cottonwood Country Club Computer Learning…

And the Winners Are …

Ken Duquaine On April 25 the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) held its end of season banquet and year-end photo competition in the San Tan Ballroom of Cottonwood Country Club. SLCC’s officers for the 2024-25 season were introduced, and awards were presented for Photographer of the Year in both print and digital divisions in classes…

Country Hoedown Fundraiser

Cheryl Ravenscroft This event is a Country Hoedown, so get out your 10-gallon hats and spangled, sequined shirts and polish up your leather cowboy boots and join us for a stompin’ good time on Sunday, March 24, in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood Country Club. Enjoy a country buffet of BBQ brisket and fried…