Would you like to speak Italian and meet others who enjoy speaking it? Whether you are a native speaker or someone who wants to brush up on your Italian, come join us for friendly conversation. We meet every Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 p.m. (October through May) at the Cottonwood Country Club Computer Learning…
Tag: Cottonwood Country Club
June 2024, Clubs & Classes
And the Winners Are …

Ken Duquaine On April 25 the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) held its end of season banquet and year-end photo competition in the San Tan Ballroom of Cottonwood Country Club. SLCC’s officers for the 2024-25 season were introduced, and awards were presented for Photographer of the Year in both print and digital divisions in classes…
February 2024, Front Page
Country Hoedown Fundraiser

Cheryl Ravenscroft This event is a Country Hoedown, so get out your 10-gallon hats and spangled, sequined shirts and polish up your leather cowboy boots and join us for a stompin’ good time on Sunday, March 24, in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood Country Club. Enjoy a country buffet of BBQ brisket and fried…