Tag: DAR

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) participated in the Parada del Sol parade in Scottsdale, along with other DAR chapters, the Sons of the American Revolution, and Children of the American Revolution. Some rode on floats, while others walked the parade route handing out American flags, and…

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) started 2025 with a busy January packed with service opportunities. Chapter members assisted the Desert Threads Chapter of the Arizona Quilters Society with their project for Successful Aging AZ by helping to assemble small, heart-shaped “fidget” pillows. These pillows will be given to…

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution recently contributed to the Crossnore Children’s Home’s emergency disaster relief fund. The school is located in Western North Carolina and suffered flood damage in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Crossnore is one of five schools the DAR has sponsored since the 1930s.…

Daughters of the American Revolution

Jean Milberger Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. It is hard to believe that the holiday season is just around the corner. The Gila Butte Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) was very busy in the month of November. We helped the Jewish War Veterans with their Poppy…

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is honored to host Arizona State Regent Sarah Ziker at its November meeting. The newly-elected regent began her administration with a “Cactus Kickoff” in Tucson in late September, which was attended by several Gila Butte members. Along with the presentations at…

Daughters of the American Revolution

In September, the Gila Butte Chapter distributed Constitution-related posters and educational materials to Basha, Casteel, and Perry High Schools in recognition of Constitution Week. After a petition to Congress by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), President Eisenhower signed Constitution Week into law in 1956. The purpose is to encourage study of…

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) sent two delegates to the 133rd Continental Congress in Washington, D.C., in July. Regent Suzanne Young and Susan Campbell attended the annual business meeting. Each year DAR members from around the world meet at the DAR National Headquarters during the summer to report…

DAR Scholarships

Each year since 2010, the Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has given two or more Patriot Scholarships worth $1,000 each to female seniors planning to attend a community college. Recipients must have a 2.5 grade point average and carry a minimum 12 credits. Gila Butte works with counselors at…

DAR News

Jean Milberger The Gila Butte Chapter NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution) held their final event for the 2023-24 year on April 13 at Palo Verde Country Club with the Spring Fling. The meeting included giving the outgoing regent and executive board a rousing thank you for their past two years of service.…

Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently adopted a section of Dobson Road through Maricopa County’s Adopt-A-Road program. Chapter members will pick up trash along the road at least twice a year as a conservation project. The Conservation Committee is one of the oldest committees of the…