Tag: Doll Collector Club

Thank You, Sun Lakers

With the start of a new year here, the Doll Collector Club wants to thank the Sun Lakes community for their generous response to our Doll Drive this past Christmas. All donations of dolls and bears were given to charity and have found new mommies with area children who might not have a doll or…

Doll Collector Club

The Sun Lakes Doll Collector Club seeks donations of old dolls and stuffed toys for Christmas giving. We repair older, much-loved dolls of many kinds and then, once made beautiful, give them to children during the fall holidays. We work with all kinds of dolls, like Raggedy Ann and Andy, Cabbage Patch dolls, bears and…

Doll Collector Club Seeks Doll Donations

The Sun Lakes Doll Club is looking for donations of soft rag dolls like the Cabbage Patch doll, stuffed bears and other soft toys, the 18-inch American Girl-style doll, and Barbie dolls. We take what is worn, and after a day at our spa, turn her into something wonderful. We have a growing Doll Repair…

Doll Collector Club News

A big thank you goes out to the Sun Lakes community for their generous support of our group over the summer with their donations of dolls. Your giving spirit allowed us to make a large donation of dolls to the Community School of the St. Johns Reservation. Our group has a large fee-for-service Doll Repair…

Doll Collector Club

Brooks Scofield The Doll Collector Club has opened a doll repair division, and on a fee-for-service basis repairs collectable dolls from past years that have been too much loved. We repair hair and bodies and aim for a “like new” look. We work with composition dolls of the 1930s, China dolls, and vinyl dolls of…

Doll Collector Club

While the Doll Collector Club of Sun Lakes is not meeting during the summer months, the Doll Repair division is accepting new clients for doll repair. We can clean and repair most any kind of doll. If your beloved doll needs a new hairstyle, a clean face, or maybe even a new arm or leg,…

Doll Collector Club

The Sun Lakes Doll Collector Club has opened a doll repair center. Antique dolls make a wonderful collection, but often, as time goes by, old dolls lose some of the beauty to time and wear. We offer restoration and cleaning of rag dolls like Raggedy Ann and Andy, the original Cabbage Patch doll, older teddy…

Doll Collector Club

Brooks Scofield The former Dolly Dressers, now known as the Doll Collector Club, has opened a fee-for-service Doll Repair Shop with the single goal of helping doll collectors repair dolls in their collections. We repair all kinds of older dolls, including composite dolls from the 1940s and before. We can also repair rag dolls like…

Doll Collector Club Seeks New Donations

The former group Dolly Dressers, now called Doll Collector Club, seeks new donations of pre-loved Barbie dolls in any condition and pre-loved 18-inch dolls of any brand for donation to groups who give them to children who might not otherwise have a doll to play with. We are also looking for people who are able…

Doll Collector Club Seeks Donations

The Sun Lakes Doll Collector Club is gathering all their refurbished 18-inch dolls and their Barbie-type dolls to give to local charities for use as Christmas gifts. For the most part, these dolls were bought at yard sales, donated, or purchased from resale stores. All the dolls have been made to look like new, with…