Tag: Dollars & Sense

Dollars & Sense: Estate Planning Wisdom from Warren Buffett

Dr. Harold Wong Just before Thanksgiving in 2024, legendary investor Warren Buffett, worth $147.5 billion, offered a deeply personal letter. He talks about crucial principles for the successful transfer of assets to the next generation and ways to preserve family harmony. The vast majority of folks will not have even 1/100th of one percent of…

Dollars & Sense: DBK Bookkeeping and Tax – A Few 2020 Tax Updates

Peggy LaShier 2020 Charitable Contributions Previously, charitable contributions could only be deducted if taxpayers itemized their deductions. However, taxpayers who don’t itemize deductions may take a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made in 2020 to qualifying organizations. For the purposes of this deduction, qualifying organizations are those that are religious, charitable,…