Tag: donations

Democratic Club meeting set for September 11

The Sun Lakes Democratic Club will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, September 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Navajo Room in the Sun Lakes Country Club, located at 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd. N. The speakers will be Arizona House candidate Jennifer Pawlik, who will speak about the Chandler Unified School District override…

Hancock Elementary students meet a need

Pictured (left to right) are Ty Schmidt, Kade McIntyre, Katie Villaorduna (teacher) and Isa Mullen with Sun Lakes Rotary Club President Bill McCoach.

Norm Noble Chandler’s Hancock Elementary School, home of the Heat, is an A+ school, as designated by the Arizona Education Foundation. The job of the teachers is to educate their students in the basics: to teach relatively simple concepts, to teach social skills, to teach children how to learn, to teach them age-appropriate lessons. Yet,…

It’s Grandparents Derby time – April 15

Each year, the Anglers sponsor the Grandparents Derby. The fishing hole is Lake 6 at the SLCC. Lake 6 is directly behind the pitch and putt golf which is behind the SCCC building. The Grandparents Derby is always the Saturday before Easter. This year, it is April 15. It is open to all kids in…

Sun Lakes women helped clothe 7500 children

Sun Lakes residents Nancy Smith (left) and Barb Dubler display boutique clothing for sale in the new Assistance League of East Valley thrift shop. Proceeds clothe 7,500 needy schoolchildren.

The bright smiles of about 7,500 schoolchildren who will receive new clothes this year motivated a group of women from Sun Lakes and the East Valley who put on a fashion show, luncheon and boutique March 25 to raise funds for the effort. Assistance League of East Valley provides new clothing, shoes and hygiene kits…

Risen Savior Spring Food Drive April 23 – May 7

Rev. Ron Burcham, Senior Pastor of Risen Savior Lutheran Church, announced that the congregation of Risen Savior invites all Sun Lakes residents to join in this year’s Spring Food Drive which benefits the Chandler Food Bank. He said, “We especially look forward to helping the food bank in the late spring, because it enables them…