Tag: events

St. Paddy’s Green Dance March 9

John Yu You are invited to the Sunday Dinner Dance at Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom on Sunday, March 9. The dance venue includes country two-steps, line dancing, and nightclub two-step, in addition to the regular mix of waltzes, foxtrots, Latin dances, and swings. Our pop music includes not just big band but music from the…

Armand & Angelina

International inspirational speakers and performing artists Armand & Angelina will be offering a morning of Music, Message, and Mirth to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience of love, laughter, and music. Gifted with an angelic and heart-opening voice, Angelina draws from many languages. Armand’s brilliant talks and compositions, powerful vocals, and engaging presence inspire us to love…

Unit 11

Unit 11 The Unit 11 monthly HOA board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19, at 4 p.m. in the Computer Learning Center Phoenix Room at the Cottonwood clubhouse. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

Honoring God with Our Whole Selves

Reverend Jennifer Lambert “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own” (1 Corinthians 6:19). When Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth, he was reminding them of a profound truth: Our bodies…

St. Steven’s Annual Basket Raffle

Gloria Hawks The Ladies Guild of St. Steven’s Catholic Church will hold their annual Gift Basket Raffle on Sunday, March 30, at noon in the church courtyard. Baskets are valued from $100 and up. Please join us to view the beautiful baskets and purchase raffle tickets at any of the following times: Saturdays, March 22…

Pickleball Tournament or Vintage Car Show?

Pam Wortman First Baptist Church Sun Lakes will host two community events in March. What’s your preference? A Pickleball Tournament? How about a Vintage Car Show with its carnival-like atmosphere? Why not do both? First Baptist Church is hosting its first annual pickleball tournament, a MUD (mixed-up doubles) Pickleball Tournament. This event is scheduled for…

Demystifying Dementia Care

Sun Lakes United Methodist Church and Dementia Friendly Sun Lakes are hosting our 7th Annual Sun Lakes free Dementia Conference, Demystifying Dementia Care: Empowering You to Better Understand and Adapt, on Thursday, April 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, Lindsay Hall, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes. A…

Exploits of the Swedish Vikings

Välkommen! The Scandinavian Club will meet on Sunday, March 16, at 1 p.m. in the Saguaro Room of Cottonwood Country Club. Note time change: We will meet at 1 p.m. for a light lunch (sandwich, fruit, and veggies), followed by our program. The cost is $15 per person. To reserve a place, send your check…