Save the date of Feb. 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for Sun Lakes’ annual Dementia Conference at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, Lindsay Hall. This year’s conference will focus on “Learning New Ways to Approach Dementia Caregiving with a Kaleidoscope of Possibilities.” The slightest adjustment of our perspective can reveal so many new…
Tag: events
February 2024, Front Page
The Foundation Makes Grant Award to the Chordaires

Bill and Jeanne Becker The Chordaires is a dynamic group of women of various ages and backgrounds who perform four-part a cappella barbershop music in Sun Lakes for various celebrations, memorials, and in their excellent annual spring show. The Chordaires also venture out to many elder communities and group homes in the Sun Lakes and Chandler…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
Looking Forward to a Healthy New Year

Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club is returning for another year of fun and excitement as we start the process of finalizing plans as we look ahead into the future. We always welcome new opportunities to participate in upcoming new events that pop up, and we look forward to the several that have…
February 2024, Generals
Sunday Dance Club: 35-Year Anniversary Dance

John Yu You are invited to our 35-year anniversary celebration on Sunday, Feb. 4, at Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom. Our dinner, dance, and live music venue continues because of the fantastic support from Sun Lakes residents. As residents change, our venue has also changed accordingly. We are open to the public—no reservations or membership required.…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Men’s Club
On Tuesday, Feb. 13, at noon, the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Men’s Club will have a Pizza Party at Brooklyn V’s Pizza located at Alma School and Chandler Heights Roads. There will be no charge to members. Dues may be paid at the event. RSVP to 480-883-9159. On Friday, April 12, prior to Passover services,…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
Tabletop Games
Do you enjoy playing a variety of games? We can have separate tables for playing board games, card games, dice games, party games, strategy games, or word games. We can teach you how to play, or you can teach us your games! We play games in Oakwood, Sun Lakes, but can schedule an event at…
February 2024, Generals
Third Annual Marcoux Memorial Masters

Celebrating the life of Harry Marcoux. Harry was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He possessed a strong sense of commitment to his beloved wife Marian, family, friends, and community. As an avid, accomplished golfer, he achieved three holes-in-one during his lifetime. His quick wit and captivating smile would make you laugh every day.…
February 2024, Religion
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation
The regular monthly Shabbat service for February will be held on Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. Full services are conducted each month starting in October, except for July and August, on the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel. For additional information or to have your questions answered about…
Clubs & Classes, February 2024
Marvelous Mah Jongg
Linda Liberti Marvelous Mah Jongg is similar to regular American Mah Jongg and requires a separate card. The rules and some of the categories are the same, even and odd numbers, 369, consecutive runs, and quints. The differences? Words can be spelled, such as JAC A LLL O PPP EEE (jackalope)—J is a joker, A…