Tag: events

Virtual Walk for Sjögren’s  March 12

Maria Davis I have been a Sjögren’s (SHOW-grins) patient since 2004. I am particularly excited about this year’s event, since people can participate from the comfort of their own home. You can join in an educational Zoom meeting and/or go out and walk right in your own neighborhood; details below. What is Sjögren’s? Sjögren’s is a…

Sun Lakes Chorale—Important Date Change

Yvonne Orlich Please note that the Spring Concert date is changed to Thursday, March 17. We will still be performing at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Riggs Road (just west of Dobson). Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the concert will start at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10, and advanced sales will be available…

Dementia—What’s Really Happening

As part of our mission to create a Dementia Friendly Community, Creative Partners (host of the weekly Memory Café), is sponsoring a free class for the community: “Dementia—What’s Really Happening in the Brain?” on Tuesday, March 29, at 10:30 a.m. For more information and/or to RSVP, call 480-203-8548, email [email protected], or go to www.slcep.org.

Sunday Valentine—Music, Dinner &Dance Venue

John Yu On Feb. 6 at the San Tan Ballroom, our Sunday Venue brings back our Valentines Sock Hop. Go back in time when we kicked off our shoes and danced in our socks, swinging to “Rock Around the Clock” or just tightly hugging your sweethearts on the gym floor because the Everly Brothers told…

Art at the Lakes 2022

Artists! This is the last month to apply to show your artwork at the 2022 show. We have big crowds, great artwork, and a big raffle. We are now receiving applications for artists to participate in the show. Applications must be returned by Jan. 31, 2022. Applications are available in the Cottonwood and IronOaks Art…

Robson Trap Trials Set for February 11

Frank Nance The 2022 Robson Trap Trials will be held on Feb. 11 at the Casa Grande Trap & Skeet Club. Every year the Arizona Robson Communities have a Trap Shoot competition. Each community can field as many shooters as they want, and the score of the top five shooters will be the team score.…

Black Music History Concert with a Tribute to Miles Davis

On Friday, Feb. 25, Phoenix Entertainment Circle LLC will hold a concert celebrating Black History Month with a Tribute to Miles Davis. This jazz event will be held at the Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 N. Arizona Ave., in downtown Chandler. The jazz showcase will feature “Two Horns” and the Mainstream Band. Recording artists…