Tag: events

Charity Holiday Preview – November 4

Phyllis Hesselrode of Sun Lakes, chairperson of the Holiday Happenings event for Assistance League of East Valley, shares a hug with a five-foot-tall Santa, which will be among the decorations for sale.

Sarah Auffret Festive holiday spirit is in the air at the Assistance League of East Valley thrift shop, as volunteers prepare for the annual holiday preview event, Holiday Happenings, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Nov. 4. The shop will be filled with unique holiday decorations and housewares, some of them new items created by members. Normally closed…

Guide Dogs for the Blind – Nov. 14

The Chandler Lions are presenting “To See Or Not To See” on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the SunBird Golf Resort ballroom, 6250 SunBird Blvd., Chandler (enter off Riggs Road between S. McQueen and S. Cooper). Get a paws-on perspective about Guide Dogs for the Blind. Both two- and four-legged Guide Dogs for the…

Got cookies? Bring them to the annual Cookie Walk

Linda K. Gercken We know just the place where there will be thousands of homemade cookies, and the proceeds from your purchase will help people in need. It’s the annual Cookie Walk hosted by the Sun Lakes United Methodist Women (UMW)! This popular annual event will be on Saturday, Dec. 7, in Lindsay Hall, with doors…

Sun Lakes – Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes

Message from the President Anne Montgomery Dear Homeowners, The American Heritage Dictionary defines “communication” as “a system for communicating: the exchange of thoughts, messages or information.” Our HOA has many ways of keeping our homeowners up to date on all the pertinent happenings in the community as well as providing the opportunity for homeowners to…

Appreciation festival to Celebrate Veterans Week

Patriot Guard Riders

Norm Noble On Saturday, Nov. 16, at Sun Lakes Country Club between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the Arizona Patriot Guard Riders and Sun Lakes Rotary and Lions Clubs are hosting an appreciation festival to celebrate Veterans Week. Come out and have a bit of lunch and a drink while checking out the raffles, silent auctions,…