IMGA news – December 2014

John Concannon Publicity First of all, I want to thank the outgoing Board of Directors for the service to the Ironwood Men’s Golf Association during the past year. The Board members along with the dedicated chairmen have kept the association viable and enjoyable. Speaking of viability, Dan Jonker advised me that he has paid out…

IMGA news

John Concannon, Publicity The weather is finally cooling, and our Canadian residents and snowbirds are returning to the valley. So too, IMGA News returns to the Splash from a summer hiatus, at least temporarily. Plans are already in the works for the 2015 activities schedule and the play day schedule. A significant change to the new…

IMGA news

The team of Rick Herzog and Bill Townsend won the bocce ball team single elimination tournament.

John Concannon, Publicity Although it is old news, I wanted to acknowledge the fact the Jack Lehmkuhl won the 2014 club championship. What is of special note is the fact that Jack has now won the club championship six times. Special congratulations to you, Jack. We recently lost a long time member of our organization,…