How to survive after the hospital Eric Ehst, Executive Director Imagine a loved one sent home from the hospital after surgery, weakened and confused, with no one there to help. She forgets to take her meds. She misses post-op appointments due to lack of transportation. She doesn’t get proper nutrition. And, like over 15 percent…
Tag: Neighbors Who Care
Generals, February 2015
Free driving workshop
Neighbors Who Care is offering a free community workshop called Driver Independence and Safety on Tuesday, February 10. The event will be held from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in Room 4 of the Education Building at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. Light refreshments will be served. This program will be presented by a local driving instructor who…
Generals, February 2015
News From Your Neighbors Who Care – February 2015
Eric Ehst, Executive Director America is known as the land of the rugged individualist. We think of our nation as having been built by intrepid pioneers, prospectors, inventors and entrepreneurs. But that’s only half the story. Where would we be without the Minutemen who volunteered to help win our freedom? The neighbors who gathered for…
Generals, January 2015
20 years of Neighbors Who Care

Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s hard to believe that this month marks the 20th anniversary of the first time a Neighbors Who Care (then Neighbors Helping Neighbors) volunteer took a homebound Sun Laker grocery shopping. And how we’ve grown during that time: from a dozen or so volunteers organized through the Interfaith Council who would…
Generals, December 2014
News From Your Neighbors Who Care – December 2014

The “No Scrooge” neighborhood Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s the holiday season again. Anyone who has read Dickens’ A Christmas Carol or seen one of the many movie versions remembers that moment when Scrooge realizes that a person’s true legacy is not how much money they accumulated but the difference they made in the lives of…
Generals, November 2014
News From Your Neighbors: Neighbors Who Care – November 2014
Giving thanks Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s that time of year when we stop and reflect on the good things we are thankful for. For Neighbors Who Care it is easy to make such a list. We’re thankful for the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who give their time and energy to help their…
Generals, October 2014
Neighbors Who Care educational workshop
Come and enjoy light refreshments and learn what is new for Medicare in 2015 at a workshop at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. The “Medicare 2015 Update” educational workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 14 from 9:00-to 11:00 a.m. in Room 4 of the Educational Building. The workshop will be presented by Shelly Winson…
Generals, October 2014
News from your Neighbors – October 2014

It’s time to party Eric Ehst, Executive Director Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 25. It’s time for Neighbors Who Care’s second annual Welcome Back Party/Community Fair. From 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. our parking lot at the northeast corner of Riggs Rd. and Alma School Rd. will be rocking with fun, food and entertainment. Last year…
Generals, September 2014
News from your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care – September 2014
Welcome back Eric Ehst, Executive Director To all who’ve been away this summer – we missed you! Summer is always tough at NWC. About 40 percent of our volunteers leave for cooler climes; staff members want to take a much-needed vacation; donations drop off; and it’s just plain hot. This year we’ve also dealt with…
August 2014
Creating an age-friendly community
Eric Ehst, Executive Director On June 25 Neighbors Who Care received the 2014 Desert Peaks Award for Public-Private Partnerships from the Maricopa Association of Governments. We, along with our partners in the Greater Phoenix Age-Friendly Network, were honored for our nationally recognized work in creating networks that meet the changing needs of an aging population…