Tag: Short Line Model Railroad Club

Welcome aboard

Harry Huckemeyer Now that we’ve all had the opportunity to have the taste of the sudden change in the weather, we welcome back all who have been away for a while. With the holiday seasons rapidly approaching, there are many opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. While there was a lot of activity going on…

Short Line Model RR Club visits Verde Canyon

Harry Huckemeyer Once again, as part of one of the area’s special events, several homes will be opening their model railroad layouts to the public on April 1 and 2 around the Valley. Several of these homes will be located in the Sun Lakes vicinity, with the majority of them being of the garden variety.…

Short Line Model RR Club to meet March 11

Model railroad

Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club will be holding its monthly meeting at the SunBird Community Center on March 11. Our meetings start at 9:30 a.m., and are held in the Lakeview Room located on the first floor of the SunBird Community Center. As always, interested parties are welcome to attend, and inputs…