Tag Archive for Sun Lakes Camera Club

Love is in the photograph

Ann Posiviata There is plenty to do this coming February. The shortest month of the year is jammed packed with events to attend and photograph. Subject matter is vast, from majestic Arabian horses, athletes of golf and baseball, to festivals offering stunning artistry like hoop dancing and the Chinese culture, along with a chocolate lover’s…

Nature’s Thanksgiving

The Wave, by William Lewis

Ann Posiviata Our natural environment has created some truly mystical masterpieces, such as the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef and the Black Forest. Most of these extraordinary sites have taken years of mother nature’s time to create. Recently, someone documented some foreign blue substance left behind at the Wave. I would like to make…

Welcome to the Sun Lakes Camera Club

Georgia O’Keeffe Slept Here

Ann Posiviata Welcome to the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC)! An adventurous group of members who love taking pictures and having a boatload of fun in the process. Our new club year, 2017-2018, begins on Thursday, October 5, 2017, and will run through April of 2018. Club meetings are held the first Thursday of each…

Falling back into photography

Monsoon storm over Arizona taken by Sun Lakes Camera Club

It’s that time of year when we are reminded why we fell in love with photography: the autumn colors; crisp, clean landscapes; Thanksgiving gatherings and holiday festivities. The Sun Lakes Camera Club is a wonderful club offering camaraderie and fun, along with knowledge and adventure. Our club offers presentations by prestigious photographers who have been…

Monsoon to pontoon

Fox on the Hunt, by Janet Ballard

The end of summer is almost here, and that means the start of the club season will soon begin. Beth Ruggiero-York and Amy Horn from Arizona Highways Photo Workshops are a couple of names on the list of presenters for this season. Stay tuned for more… Featured Images: Merced River with Half Dome looks pretty inviting right now…

Celebrations coast to coast

Seattle Icons, by Nancy Thoma

It’s the Fourth of July holiday! We have miles of midwestern farmland to oceans of coastline to rocky mountains and grand canyons offering some of the most spectacular landscapes a photographer could imagine. This Independence Day, we celebrate another year our nation claimed its freedom. I ask all photographers alike, from smartphones to medium format…

Vacation, road trips and more

Cactus in Morning Light, by William Lewis

It’s time for a vacation. The long summer months are soon upon us here in Arizona. The temperatures will rise, and that calls for higher altitudes to cooler weather. A road trip or a vacation calls for some organization and planning, whether you’re visiting a Global Basecamps safari location, or you’re seeing the aurora borealis…

Camera Club begins summer schedule

Looking Back to the Beginning, by Dale Willey

A photograph comes down to its impact upon the viewer. What does it take to create impact? Is it the subject matter, the lighting or the technical composition? Some images are tack-sharp yet can offer no emotional connection without an interesting subject matter. Other images are soft and break all the rules of composition yet…

A flower knows the return of the butterfly

Black Beauty by Wayne Divoky

Janet Ballard Spring is a glorious time in Arizona. Our blue skies and pleasant temperatures make it a great time to frolic around the state. There is so much to do and photograph: hiking, visit the zoo, spring training, catch a round of golf, outdoor concerts, visit national parks and monuments, attend several festivals including…

Sun Lakes Camera Club—spring has sprung

Laundry Day Shadows by John Thoma

It is that time of year again to get out from our hibernation and stretch our legs. The field reports look promising for the wildflowers around the state. Mexican Gold Poppy and Arizona Fiesta Flower have been grabbing the most attention at this time in the White Tanks Regional Park area. For up-to-date reports on…