Tag: Sun Lakes Hiking Club

Hidden Gems

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a dry hiking season out there. In my eight years of hiking with the club, I’ve never seen landscape so close to completely drying up as I have seen this year, especially in sun-parched south exposure sides of South Mountain and the Superstitions.…

Resident Hikes Grand Canyon

Sun Lakes resident Dena Brinkman, 76, hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim on Sept. 30. Dena, along with six other family members and friends, hiked the 24-mile North Rim to the South Rim trail in one day. Dena, who is a member of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club, trained for the adventure. She hiked…

The Appeal of Hiking

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club It’s not always easy to describe why so many people like to hike. It’s exercise, certainly. You see great scenery, of course. The views from the top can be exhilarating, for sure. But you can drive up to the top of places like South Mountain to enjoy the scenery…

Hiking Club News

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club It’s February, and it’s hard to believe this year’s hiking season is already halfway over. Where does the time go?! This season has gone fast, and that’s because of all the great hikes and social gatherings that have filled the calendar so far this season. Everyone who attended enjoyed…

It’s Hiking Season!

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club November marks the start of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club 2023-24 hiking season and, hopefully, much-needed cooler weather! Our first event is a Welcome Back picnic for returning hiking club members and is open to anyone else living in Sun Lakes or SunBird who is interested in learning more…

Hiking Club Open House and Picnic Dates

Interested in social hiking and live in Sun Lakes or SunBird? Come learn more about the Sun Lakes Hiking Club at one of our October Open Houses or at our Welcome Back club picnic in early November. We are a friendly, inclusive group of hikers who welcome all able-bodied hikers. We hike around the Valley…

Too Hot for Hiking?

Warren Wasescha What a summer this has been. Hopefully, by the time you read this article, the Valley has cooled off a bit. If you were lucky enough to travel to cooler areas, I’m sure you took in some hiking. If you were here during the heat, I hope you stayed away from the trails…

About the Sun Lakes Hiking Club

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club Like hiking? Come join our club. We are a friendly, inclusive group of hikers who welcome all able-bodied hikers. Membership is open to individuals who reside, rent, or lease in Sun Lakes or SunBird. We also allow former residents to hike with the club, provided they continue to maintain…

Summer Hiking Safety

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club It’s that time of year again when summer heat clashes with a desire to keep hiking. As much as it’s nice to exercise in air-conditioned comfort, there is something about getting out in nature that has a strong appeal for many. With highs sometimes exceeding 110 degrees in the…

Hiking in the Summer

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club As I write from the North, my Hiking Club friends have commented on how mild the weather has been this past month and how they’ve been able to enjoy a lot of hikes that normally would have been more challenging in hotter weather. It’s been a good extension to…