Tag: tennis

Jason Morton Memorial Tennis Classic

Michele Renahan The Jason Morton Memorial Tennis Classic returned to the courts at IronOaks Fitness and Racquet Center in Sun Lakes. The IronOaks Tennis Club hosts this USTA tournament, which has a long history in Sun Lakes. The annual Jason Morton Tennis Classic runs Feb. 26 through March 2 and is named after the longtime…

Stay Strong in a Sport You Love with Masters Tennis

DD Kullman IronOaks Tennis Club (IOTC) offers a new spin on tennis, ideal for beginning players or those with injuries or mobility challenges. Masters Tennis sounds like it’s reserved for seasoned champions, but it’s almost the opposite. Masters Tennis is very similar to the actual sport of tennis, except it’s played on a smaller, 60-foot…

End of Season Gatherings for Cottonwood Ladies Leagues

Dannette Hunnel and Susie Dunn In December the Cottonwood Ladies Tennis Leagues gathered to celebrate the end of the Fall Tennis Season. Food, laughs, and prizes took place. All came away with an appreciation of individual accomplishments, full bellies, and new recipes. The CTC tennis players are wonderful bakers and decorators, too. From Susie Dunn,…

Time to Register for the Senior Games!

Jacque Texeira January is registration month for the Senior Games at Sun Lakes. Go to our website at www.sunlakesentertainment.com and sign up for events today. It’s easy to do. First, you will declare your community. Then proceed to select the game(s) you want to play. Sign up for as many as you like. Finally, check…

Exciting Update on Short Court Tennis at Cottonwood

Maryann Sinerius Last spring, we introduced short court tennis as an innovative addition to our club offerings. To gauge interest, we opened our courts to all Cottonwood homeowners during club hours (Monday mornings at 7 a.m.) throughout the summer. We’re thrilled to report that this experiment was a resounding success! More than 100 residents purchased…

Annual Bradshaw-Neu Tennis Tournament Gives Back to the Community

Barb Jorgensen The Bradshaw-Neu Tennis Tournament, hosted by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, has raised thousands of dollars for local charities over the years. Neighbors Who Care, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chandler, and Ability360 Sports and Fitness Center have been past recipients. Ability360 held a tennis wheelchair exhibition last year. They provide exceptional adaptive…

Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong

Part of why tennis is so great is the challenge it offers. We must practice being a coach and an official during court play while displaying good sportsmanship from beginning to end. No one likes losing or being frustrated by being outplayed by an opponent. Unfortunately, there are players of every age who don’t play…

Summer Heat Is No Match for Tennis Enthusiasts

Barb Jorgensen The Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) has organized play seven days a week. The CTC stays very busy, even during the summer (though the snowbirds can’t believe anyone plays tennis during the summer!). They start earlier, take more breaks, drink lots of water and Gatorade, and huddle in the shade as much as possible.…

Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong

Now that the summer heat and monsoon humidity are here, it means we will be perspiring more. Now is the time to take a moment to check your grip and replace it or add an overwrap grip. Over-grips are ideal for those looking for a softer feel and more cushion, while replacement grips are more…

Collaboration Makes for Good Friendships

Barb Jorgensen Five separate Valley of the Sun teams came together to form one USTA 65+ team. The team also consists of half Cottonwood Tennis Club members and half IronOaks Tennis Club members—quite the collaboration of otherwise opposing teams. This team has won USTA Sectionals and played in the Nationals, representing the USTA Southwest Division.…