Tag: tennis

Holiday Tennis Tournament

Jerry Vance Twenty members of the Sun Lakes Tennis Club (lots of members watching also) gathered Dec. 14 to play tennis and eat lots of great food. The sun was out, and it was a great day for all. Matches were competitive and fun. The hot egg dish and coffee got the day started, and…

Bradshaw Tournament Brings Local Clubs Together

Bradshaw winners include first and second place winners in eight categories.

Penny Petersen The Bradshaw Tennis Tournament, recently held on the Cottonwood courts, brought four local tennis clubs together to compete in one place. Not only did the 132 competitors enjoy the experience of playing against teams they normally don’t play, the competition also drew many spectators from the Cottonwood, Oakwood, Sun Lakes CC, and SunBird…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club is back

Jerry Vance The snowbirds are flying back to the warm weather now that the temperatures have fallen below 100 degrees. The second Wednesday of every month we have our tennis dinners at the clubhouse. Sign up for them. On Oct. 26, we hosted SunBird in our first tournament of the year. A tennis dinner on Nov. 13 will…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club opener

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club started its tennis season with a match with SunBird on Oct. 26. All had fun. Tennis dinner at the clubhouse will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13. We will have an interclub tournament on Nov. 30. We hope most of our snowbirds are back by then. Expect a great Christmas party and…

Cottonwood tennis players celebrate Bastille Day

Judy Grefsheim, Kathy Malitar, and Nede Mead like the tennis food, and especially the beverages.

Penny Petersen Cottonwood Tennis Club turned French for a day when they held a Bastille Day Social on the evening of July 14 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. They “stormed” the courts and “revolutionized” traditional tennis. About 40 people attended, but not everyone played, as the weather was scorching. Both men and women participated in…

IronOaks Tennis Club offering ball machine classes

Kwong Young Starting in September, IronOaks tennis professional Coach Kwong will be offering weekly morning ball machine classes with the emphasis of hitting many tennis balls to build muscle memory through a blend of drills and match play to conclude class. Many players just play but don’t improve on their game skills of where to…