Tag: Writers’ Group

Writers’ Group – August 2024

Retired, Recycled Ernest D’Godor It shouldn’t have come as any surprise that upon retiring I would have to reinvent myself. But like going back to diapers, an inevitable fate of age, I found myself confounded at the end of every month trying to figure out where my retirement money was slipping away to. It certainly…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group – July 2024

The 4th of July George Stahl The 4th of July, 1776, is not the only day America was born. We have gone through the pangs of being reborn several times in 248 years. After the Revolutionary War it wasn’t all roses for the new nation. There were large monetary debts hanging over our heads, families…

Writers’ Group – March 2024

Telephone Ruby Regina Witcraft Just in time, and as I was sensing a writer’s block, the phone rang. Not being one to miss an opportunity, I decided to write on my, not so good, relationship with the phone. It was my best friend when inviting a caller to join a riding class in horsemanship but…

Writer’s Group – December 2023

Optimism Check Kris Szlauko Is your glass half empty or half full? Our lives are so busy, especially during the holidays that we rarely have time or the desire to do a sanity check on our state of mind or emotional state. We spend most of November and December on autopilot going through all of…

Writers’ Group

You’ve Got Trouble George Stahl There is a song in the musical, The Music Man called, “Ya Got Trouble!” It’s about the evils that can come out of playing pool, in a billiard room, or worse yet, a pool hall. It warns how young men can get wrapped up in all sorts of illicit things…

Writers’ Group

Should You Fib or Just Keep it to Yourself? Lee Murray The answer to that question lies in the eyes of the beholder and who is the teller of the untruth versus the recipient. One of the most common fibs told by husbands everywhere in response to their wives who present in new clothing they…

Writer’s Group Looking to Expand

Deborah Goodacre Our Writer’s Group welcomes new members. Writing is a solo activity. I know that first efforts can seem awkward and frustrating. I have encouraged many people to write their family history, only to discover they had the same struggles and frustrations I had. Finally, it dawned on me that I never told them…

Writers’ Group

Thanksgiving Thoughts Barbara Schwartz I LOVE Thanksgiving. It’s a really huge shame that it is smothered by Halloween, fall decorations, and Christmas—almost ignored! Having family, friends and food all at the same time. It doesn’t get much better than that. In retrospect, the worst Thanksgiving I ever had was in 1974. Dad passed away in…