Tennis with Coach Kwong

IronOaks tennis coach Coach Kwong is conducting his weekly clinics Monday through Friday mornings. If you are interested in a fun class with music and high energy, consider cardio tennis. This class is not only fun, but you can practice your tennis skills. The ball machine class helps you build on your swings for ball placement and hand/eye coordination. Coach Kwong also teaches private lessons, so don’t let the game get the better of you. Call Coach Kwong at 480-759-2248 or go to for details and to reserve your spot on the court.

Cardio Tennis: Monday through Friday, 7:30 to 7:30 a.m. Fee: Fee: $15 member/$25 non-member

Ball Machine: Monday through Friday, 7:30 to 9 a.m. Fee: $20 member/$30 non-member