Check presentation with Gretchen Ohlgart, president of the Chordaires Show Chorus, Foundation President Bill Carpenter, and Board Secretary Cheryl Ravenscroft, backed by many members of the Chordaires
Bill and Jeanne Becker
The Chordaires is a dynamic group of women of various ages and backgrounds who perform four-part a cappella barbershop music in Sun Lakes for various celebrations, memorials, and in their excellent annual spring show. The Chordaires also venture out to many elder communities and group homes in the Sun Lakes and Chandler area for holiday performances.
The Chordaires are trying to grow their chorus membership back to pre-pandemic numbers. They are going to hold special prospective member “outreach clinics” for which they will need to rent rooms and advertise. Also for their Spring 2024 show, they will be using the Foundation’s grant funding for riser rental (truck to transport), lots of great new props and scenery, extra cost of our director filling new assignments, hiring a soundboard and sound operator, hiring a videographer to create a new video to help in recruiting new members, the purchase of new music for the chorus, and copyright purchase of the music for video purposes. They are adding a guest octet from the Phoenix Men’s Chorus, performing with them as part of their Spring Spectacular 2024 show, “A Salute to the Music Men,” on April 6 at 2 p.m. in the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom. It is really going to be an amazing show for their 42nd season, as their performance will honor the top composers and performers of the 20th century.
The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation is pleased to be able to allocate grants to many Sun Lakes clubs and organizations. All our Foundation members are volunteers, so 100% of the proceeds from all Foundation events, such as the Christmas Gala, the annual Country Hoedown, raffle tickets sold at TAD shows at Cottonwood, and private donations, are all granted to our local charities each year. If you are part of a local Sun Lakes organization that needs funds to assist your activities, or if you are interested in helping support the Foundation financially or by joining as a “Friend of the Foundation,” please go online to learn more at our website, www.slcommunityfoundation.com.