Time to Register for the Senior Games!

Senior Games team members: Seated (left to right): Wanda Johnson, Bill Swift, Susie Dunn, Mary Kermoade; standing (left to right): Jacquie Nedderman, Sharon Wilp, Lori Marsh, Donna Larson, Chloe Hankin, Sylvia Lee, Tom Wilp, Louis Baca, Peggy Verburgt, Lonnie Kermoade, Bruce Baker

Jacque Texeira

January is registration month for the Senior Games at Sun Lakes. Go to our website at www.sunlakesentertainment.com and sign up for events today. It’s easy to do. First, you will declare your community. Then proceed to select the game(s) you want to play. Sign up for as many as you like. Finally, check out and get your confirmation. There is a limited number of slots for each activity, so sign up as soon as possible.

For two weeks, starting March 14, there will be one game played each day at one of the communities. If you live in Cottonwood, come on over to Robson Reserve at Sun Lakes for Mexican Train. Maybe you live in Sun Lakes Country Club and will play Cornhole at Palo Verde’s Sisk Park. The IronOaks folks can jump over to Cottonwood for Short Court Tennis. You see how it goes. We hope to mix people up and make new friends.

You will gather points both as a competitor and as a volunteer. Even spectators will get points. Remember, the community with the most points wins the grand trophy to display in their HOA lobby. You will also get awards for winning first and second place in the competitions, and everyone will be included in the drawings for prizes. Don’t miss the social events around the games, starting with the Opening Ceremonies and Water Balloon Toss on opening day, March 14, at Sun Lakes Country Club. We will have appetizers and cocktails, but you must register in advance.

Each community will host a different event:

• Mexican Train and Mah Jongg will be hosted by Robson Reserve at Sun Lakes, who is also providing a complimentary box lunch.

• Cornhole, Bocce Ball, and “Putt Away Putters” Miniature Golf will be at Sisk Park in Palo Verde, with $1 hot dogs on the barbeque available.

• Target Golf and “Pitch and Putt” Golf will be at the Oakwood golf course where you will enjoy a free beer and wine-tasting bar. Nearby Poolside will be open for lunch.

• On the Cottonwood courts for the Short Court Tennis events there will also be food available.

• Competitive “Ranked” Pickleball will be played on the Oakwood courts, with a barbeque at the courts.

• Sun Lakes Country Club will host Social Pickleball, as well as the Water Balloon Toss at the Opening Ceremonies.

As you can see, there is something for everyone. Don’t miss out. On games requiring two people to play, we will pair you up with a new friend, so there is no need to worry if your friend can’t make it. Part of the fun is to make new friends from a different community or maybe just across the street.

Registration is $7 per game, and the Opening Ceremonies cocktail hour, which includes the Water Balloon Toss, is $12. Registration closes Jan. 31, so do it today!

Sign up at www.sunlakesentertainment.com. For questions, email Ray at sunlakesentertainment.com.

We hope to see you in March!