Unity: Evolution Revolution

Kay Davis

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought spiritual community. We follow the teachings of Jesus as well as other spiritual Masters. We believe in positive thinking and affirmative prayers. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin records our weekly church services online so we can watch it on YouTube. Read more about us on our website, at www.unityofsunlakes.org.

It is February, and we are halfway through this winter. We have moved through the season of Advent, then Christmas with the birth of the Christ in us, then New Years with our traditional Burning Bowl Ceremony where-in we searched our thoughts to see what we needed to forgive and release from last year. Now we set an intention for 2021. We ask for Divine guidance for the highest thought we can imagine to lead us to an ever-deeper connection with Spirit. We might be led to read something of a spiritual nature, meditate, keep a journal, find a Prayer Partner, or any of these on a regular basis. Make it be easy, set a convenient time each day and start slow but be regular. This is not a New Year’s resolution; this is a slow and deliberate revolution being formed for your well-being and highest good. To quote the words in a song written by Daniel Nahmod, “Get ready my soul, I’m diving in.” Blessings to each one, live life, and enjoy!

Activities: Reiki Circle meets on Zoom every Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 11 a.m. If you would like to join, call Lois at 480-883-6699.

Prayer Partners: This group meets Wednesday morning on Zoom from 10 to 11 a.m. If you would like to join, send an email to [email protected].