Kay Davis
Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought spiritual community. We follow the teachings of Jesus as well as other wise, respected spiritual Masters. We practice affirmative prayer, positive thinking, and a healthy lifestyle. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin is our minister and prepares weekly lessons for us on YouTube. Read about us on www.unityofsunlakes.org.
To practice a Divinely Ordered life, we have many tools to guide us. There is prayer, affirmations, meditation, and forgiveness. These are all good tools, but according to Rev. John Beerman, forgiveness is the most powerful tool. Forgiving frees us to align with divine mind by opening any blocks of resentment, anger, and judgment of ourselves and others. If you split up “be forgiving” into “be for … giving,” it can mean you give up holding onto old ideas that separate you from yourself and others. H. Emilie Cady says in Lessons in Truth, “To forgive does not simply mean to arrive at a place of indifference to those who do personal injury to us; it means far more than this. To forgive is to give for, to give some actual, definite good in return for evil given.” Listening, understanding, keeping an open heart with empathy could be that “good.”
Forgiveness is not about condoning bad behavior or saying we must trust those who have mistreated us. It does not mean there will be no justice for bad acts. There are no good people and bad people, just people who made a bad choice. Rev. Bill Englehart offers this affirmation: “I forgive myself for my mistakes, and I forgive others for their mistakes, knowing none of us is perfect.” Jesus said for us to forgive 70 times seven, meaning to infinity and beyond. Tireless forgiveness is a spiritual practice that opens the channels within you to receive Spirit and the consequential good that comes to you through Spirit. Our vision is a world of Oneness where all people are free to live their true potential. For this country to come together and heal, we must all forgive.
Activities: Reiki: Meets on Zoom every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. If you have questions or want to join the group, call Lois Valleau at 480-883-6699.
Prayer Partners: Meets on Zoom on Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m. Julia Norton is our facilitator. If you would like to join us, just email Julia at unityofsunlakes@gmail.com.