We aren’t an “old folks” home

Sue Schwartz

To shift society’s perceptions of aging, ICAA’s Changing the Way We Age® Campaign is taking action to overturn stereotypes and encourage more positive, realistic views of aging. This campaign offers us an opportunity to make a lasting difference by encouraging a new vision of aging in CWPV. By being part of the solution to negative views that limit people in later life, we can help create a community that recognizes, respects and responds to the rich potential of population aging.

Colin Milner, International Council on Active Aging CEO, says, “The leading-edge Boomers are knocking on the door of their eighth decade of life. That door shall open in a few short months and the first Boomers will enter their 70s.”

Merrill Lynch tells us that a couple in which both partners are age 65 there is a 50% chance of one partner reaching age 92, a 25% chance of reaching 97 and a 10% chance of reaching 100. What implications will this have on our community?

Such a challenge and opportunity has Cottonwood Palo Verde rethinking their response to Health and Wellness in our active lifestyle community

Our exercise facility is 12 years away from being designated a historical building. Our equipment has some thinking it belongs in the Smithsonian Institute. We aren’t an old folk’s home!

Our active lifestyle community enjoys beautiful amenities everywhere you look except in our exercise facility. Is this the legacy we want to leave our children and future homeowners?

The time is now for a contemporary Health and Wellness Center to make its appearance in our list of valued amenities. One that recognizes and celebrates a community of multiple generations – and yes, that includes the Boomers.