Helen Seaton, Publicity Director
The Computer Booters Club will meet on Wednesday, July 7, 2021. Rob Truman will provide information on 5G and what it means to us. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m.
What Is 5G?
All of the U.S. carriers have now launched some form of 5G cellular network. But what exactly is 5G and how fast is it compared with 4G? This presentation addresses what you need to know, without getting into the technical weeds. Learn the difference between 5G Cellular, 5G WiFi, and AT&T’s 5GE.
This will be a hybrid meeting. Our members will be able to join us in the Cottonwood Ceramics Room (the same room where we held our workshops), while others will continue to attend at home (or wherever they choose) via Zoom. The in-person meeting will be displayed on the pull-down screen. No need to bring your laptop. We want our members to be able to participate no matter where they are.
Rob Truman has more than 40 years of experience in information technology and internet-related fields. He is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Electronics Technician and has worked as a technical support professional for Microsoft over the years. Rob holds a master of arts degree in adult education and a bachelor of science degree in information technology (B.S. I.T.). He is a staunch proponent of lifelong learning and runs a website/blog called Geezer Tek (geezertekaz.com) which focuses on helping the senior community with their technology needs. Rob also volunteers and teaches adult education technology classes through his local community college and their lifelong learning program New Adventures in Learning.
Our club has many things to offer members, such as free technical assistance, information about new programs, how to use the programs, Microsoft classes, and access to talks and conferences on a variety of topics from Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG). The APCUG classes are free and can be accessed using your computer, tablet, or phone with the Zoom.us app. These classes are an exciting benefit for club members. More information and help are available in the newsletter and on our website, computerbooters.org. For more information, contact president@computerbooters.org or 480-895-2196.