Sherri Tanner, director of Child Crisis Center, and Judith Crumpler
Debi Loofburrow
The Agavé Quilters Guild met on May 4 (May the 4th be with you!). This was our final meeting until we return in September. Member participation was the theme for this month, and we were challenged to bring in all UFOs (unfinished objects) that we wanted to complete over the summer, in any unfinished condition. There was a large variety of projects shown: kits not yet started; quilts that had only the top pieced, but still needed batting, backing, quilting, binding, and a label; and many in between! The challenge is to bring these back no later than the November meeting in a different or completed state, for which points will be awarded. Points range from five points for completely finished to one point for participating if the project is the same as when we originally saw it. Extra credit for quilts with labels. Whoever receives the most points from their projects will receive a gift at our holiday luncheon in December!
Our new board was also sworn in at this meeting, and they immediately jumped in! They have lots planned, including classes and guest speakers when we reconvene on Sept. 7. Several of our “Sewcialites” groups will continue to meet over the summer months. The Agavé Quilters Guild will be having a boutique on Nov. 19, and all members are encouraged to create items for sale. Many have already begun their task. We have placemats, microwaveable bowl covers, zip bags, etc. It should be a wonderful way to meet and shop custom items for the holidays!
Our community service group created quilts for 10 foster boys and delivered them to the Child Crisis Arizona center. The group heard from the director that the boys were thrilled and touched that each had received a quilt specially designed for him with his name on the label.
Agavé Quilters Guild is open to new members of all skill levels. General meetings are held September through May, on the first Wednesday of each month, at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club,at 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd N., in Sun Lakes. Each meeting features a brief business update from the board members, a guest speaker, and a “Show and Tell” session allowing members to share their projects with the group.
For further information, please contact President Betty Bogaard at [email protected] or Dennie Sullivan, membership chair, at [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to our Agavé Quilt Guild, the original Sun Lakes Quilt Guild since 1995!