Pastor Ron Burcham
Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church
April showers bring May flowers. There is nothing like a slow steady all day rain, or a booming thundershower in the afternoon and there has been nothing like that in our area for a very long time. In fact, at the time of this writing, we are 65 days with no rain. We have had 65 glorious days of sun and fun with a few puffy clouds tossed in just to mix it up, but rain? No, no rain for a very long time. Not sure what happened to El Nino; I guess it took a Siesta that lasted a few months. We are as dry as the…well, um, the desert. Okay, I get it, we live in the desert, but how can we have May flowers without April showers!
Since we live in a desert I suppose we cannot call this a drought quite yet, but it feels like one and droughts are not easy to live through. Whether it is lack of rain or lack of employment; lack of precipitation or lack of personal contact. When you go a long time without something it can be difficult. Many of us go a long time without seeing our family because they live far away and talking on the telephone helps, but it isn’t the same as being in their presence. Maybe you have been laid up and unable to play your favorite sport and watching others swing the club, bat, or racket just isn’t the same.
Droughts are no fun especially if you feel empty inside. Perhaps the worst kind of drought is a spiritual one. It is when you have gone a long time without hearing from God. You pray and pray, but there is no answer; or maybe you gave up praying a long time ago. You used to go to church, but now you don’t see the point. If God is going to sit in heaven and give you the silent treatment, why bother going over to his house. We all have times when it seems like God is ignoring us.
I am reminded of a story my friend told me about a conversation a couple once had. She was lamenting that they were not very romantic anymore. She said, “We used to be close, holding hands, and even in the pickup truck we would snuggle up to each other as you drove down the road.” He thought for a moment and replied, “Who moved?” May I gently ask the same? Who moved? God said He would never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Jesus said that He would be with us to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
I have noticed that in the spring the desert still blooms. The water was there, it just wasn’t easily visible. The same is true with God at times. He is always with us, listening and loving us. Don’t give up on Him, He will never give up on you.