Writers’ Group


Sun Lakes Writers Group

Sun Lakes Writers Group is more than just a group of writers getting together weekly. It is a group of fine women and men who have experienced many extraordinary times in their lives and share their stories with others.

We meet once a week – on every Tuesday at 1 :00 p.m. to 3 :00 p.m. in the Ceramics Room at the Cottonwood clubhouse.

Our guidelines are simple. We write on just about everything possible. However, we avoid writing on politics. At the end of each meeting, we draw a slip of paper which have one to two words on them. These words are “assigned” for the following week to use them in our stories. It is our choice to use them if we like. Write on one or two of these words or write on words of your choice! The words are simply there as a crutch if you need a helping hand to get you started.

You may take any subject, a headline you have found and expound on it or write on your life’s experiences. We have several members of the group who are writing memoirs for their children and grandchildren.

Every month, we offer up some of our writings to the Sun Lakes Splash. It is our way of sharing our talents and interests with the community. In order to have a submission to the Splash, you have to be a member of our group.

We have a great deal of fun in our meetings, and we have a break for coffee or tea and sometimes goodies.

Next time you want to share some stories and feel as though you don’t know where to begin, take out that pad and pen or the computer and start your stories. Everyone has stories to tell and would like to share with others.

Step inside the room and meet new friends who will encourage you in every step of your journey. We listen to all readings and we do NOT critique unless you specifically ask for feedback. Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. will NEVER be the same for you!

Cottonwood Ceramics Room (A-8) is the place to be. Plan on arriving at 12:30 p.m. for a little meet and greet. Our begin time is 1:00 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing many of you soon.

For questions on our group, please call Barbara Schwartz, chairperson, at 480-802-5676 or email [email protected].

Essence of a Woman

Margaret Daniels

The essence of a woman can be confusing to a man but really, it is quite simple. A lady is composed of many areas within her being. First, she wants kindness and thoughtful. Also, she wants to feel pretty, especially to the man she loves. He needs to notice her hair, eyes, hands, clothing she is wearing, the food she cooked for him that day. A woman cannot receive too many compliments throughout the day. A well-placed compliment will stay with her for several days.

Another thing that is important for a woman, she needs to know that she is important to him. Words of endearment are essential for a woman to feel valued and cared for. Giving her tender words and positive affirmations shows that she is important part of his life. A man needs to look for things that she does well and comment on how well she does them. She needs to know she is appreciated.

Kisses, hugs and holding hands are also very important to her. A quick peck is nice when you are in public but the really long tender kisses makes her heart go pitter-patter. Hugs in the kitchen, living room and any other part of the house or yard are another heart-warming experience for her.

Notice how her clothes fall on her body, how her hair catches the breeze, is her eyes twinkling when she looks at you, telling a story or doing sometime she loves? Women love to have fun which includes a time for laughter and having fun doing things together. Be mindful of when she does something special for you and comment to how much you appreciated what she has done.

Money is nice but it cannot buy the affection of the woman. It is the little things of life that creates a warm and loving relationship.

If a man cannot say “I love you,” treat you with respect, appreciate and values you as a person throughout the day, it is sad. A man has the ability to make his lady reflect an inner beauty and vitality that causes others to notice. It is the little daily things that matter to her. All she wants is a man’s love, kindness, thoughtfulness, care and a willingness to treasure his special lady.

When these affections are lacking, little by little, as the time goes by, she dies inside. It is always sad when a man treats sales clerk better than his own wife. When I then look over to his wife, I see a sad, withdrawn woman who has no sparkle left in her. Smart men know what it takes to make their lady really beautiful, radiant and felt truly loved throughout their lives together.

Are They Here Already? Let’s All be Gracious

Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt

Where has the year gone? Did you notice the change of fall colors? No, not the trees. License plates from different states and countries. Our winter visitors are here, let’s welcome them again. Let’s be curious, friendly and courteous. For our year-round residents, it can become frustrating and upsetting when we try to get a doctor appointment, dentist appointment, salon treatments and of course standing on a rather long line at the grocery store. However, my husband and I find ourselves making new friends, even though they will be departing within a few short months. “Let’s keep in touch,” we say. Does that really happen? We realize they have their own friends they look forward to seeing and lots of stories to tell. I remember when my husband and I first became residents of Sun Lakes we stopped by Mulligan’s one evening. The only table available was a table for six. As the evening progressed, we were asked… “Are you using this chair?” And so it began. By the next hour my husband and I sat at a table for six; however, it was only the two of us, all our chairs were gone. I was a little disappointed no one talked with us or asked to sit with us. It has changed in the past years. We have lots of friends from out of state that we catch up with when they are back in town. They tell us their stories and we tell them ours. It is fun, and they are fun.

Traffic has increased all over Phoenix, Sun Lakes and other surrounding cities and towns to a horrific nightmare at times. More homes, apartments, shopping areas are filling each and every corner that once was a big empty lot. Sometimes, when I am riding with my husband or driving alone I take a double take and say… “Where did those homes come from? Wasn’t that empty lot filled with dirt, sand, weeds not long ago? Let’s not forget the site of some dairy personnel. Cows. Where did all those milkmaids go? They have been traveling to other desirable locations.”

We are entering and embracing a thoughtful and meaningful holiday season. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas. Let’s be gracious, kind and friendly to everyone. Try not to be disrespectful, rude and angry with the folks we meet. These folks may be carrying some very heavy burdens, sadness, deep thoughts and feelings.

At this time, I want to mention an incident my husband and I came across recently. Something so loving, gracious and precious, I had to share. We were sitting in a booth at a restaurant one evening when we overheard a little seven-year-old girl say to her grandma… “I don’t get mad at anyone, nana, and if I feel like that sometime, “I just read the Bible.” We could not let those words from a little girl named Jasmine go unheard and someone so tiny lift our spirits. We turned to speak with this charming precious child and I asked what part of the Bible are you reading? “Noah’s Ark, but I have more to read, it’s a big book. I am just beginning,” was her answer. Think about Jasmine and how she handles her feelings. What a delightful child.

May the trimmings on your holiday tables be blessings from God.