You Light Up My Lights

Catherine Pletchette

Lights! Cameras! Action! That was the scene the evening of Sept. 26 as IronOaks residents and pickleball amenity and club members met at the Oakwood pickleball courts for the official switching on of our newly installed lighting. The stands were filled to the brim as the crowd eagerly anticipated the “flick of the switch.”

IronOaks has a very vibrant and fast-growing pickleball community. Approximately 440 players are currently registered as pickleball members. Many additional homeowners, also pickleball enthusiasts, use the courts during designated hours. Most probably knew the addition of lighting would extend their court time usage and add hours of “friends, fun, and fitness” after the sun went down.

As pickleball fans filled the stands that night, you could see the excitement on their faces. When the lights were ceremoniously turned on and the entire area became brightly lit, you could hear the delighted “oohs” and “aahs” from those in attendance. Players jumped to their feet and took to the courts. The play that followed demonstrated a passion for the game, an appreciation for the facility, and a true sense of community.

We appreciate all the pickleball players, board members, administrative staff, construction crews, and, ultimately, the residents of IronOaks who helped to bring this long-awaited lighting project to a successful completion. It truly was a group effort.

As the new lights add playing time to the pickleball schedule, we look forward to growing the sport within our community and to shining our light for all to see.